Since the Grenfell Tower disaster we’ve seen plenty of change and commotion in the construction industry. Alongside the obvious requirement to remove dangerous cladding the intrusive surveys carried out on buildings have identified a number of concerns over the...

Covid 19 Relaxation of Director Liability

As a direct result of the restrictions imposed by the Government on us all in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many companies have suddenly and unexpectedly found themselves in a position where they are unable to pay their suppliers and are therefore insolvent on a...

An Automatic Door Does Not Replace a Doorman

Now you’ve read that statement you know it makes sense. Of course the automatic door is cheaper, doesn’t have time off ill or for holidays, and works all the time without breaks. So it must be better for the business because it reduces cost and improves operational...

Are You a Leader?

If somebody joins where you work, with less experience of that workplace, then you can be a leader. It doesn’t matter what post you hold, part-time, volunteer, manager or executive. A new joiner will look to you to lead whenever your activity crosses over with their...

That Inappropriate Outburst is Important.

When it happens everyone present is taken aback. Someone you don’t expect makes an emotionally charged, quite loud and direct, criticism of their workplace or of a colleague. It usually happens in the wrong setting or just when you believe everyone is getting along...

Is a contract worth the paper its written on?

There are lots of things said about lawyers. Some say only half of them are right – because when you get to court one side must lose. That set me thinking about a situation I shall shortly be facing and the implications of pursuing a breach of contract. I recently...